The universe was out of the frying pan of Thanos’ deliberate choices and into the fire of Nebula’s whims. She’s not exactly evil, but she isn’t exactly good either - and after Thanos’ abuse she was seriously traumatized. In the meantime, the remaining forces of good wind up recruiting Thanos into a team-up to get the gauntlet from Nebula. She reforms her body into health, banishes Thanos into the depths of space and sets about struggling with her new infinite awareness of space and time. She yanks the gauntlet from Thanos’ abandoned body and shoves it onto her own hand, and now she’s the supreme being in the universe. Jim Starlin, George Pérez, Ron Lim/Marvel Comics Nebula, who has been mute and seemingly insensible to her surroundings after Thanos put her into an eternal state of living death, seizes her chance. Unfortunately, he forgets that his godly powers are predicated on something very corporeal: His hand being inside the Infinity Gauntlet. And then, in the excitement of his triumph, he decides to transform himself into an astral entity and leave his corporeal form behind, which he believes will rid himself of his final vulnerability. It’s a tricky fight, but Thanos does prevail. How do the heroes get the Gauntlet away from him?Īfter the Avengers, Thanos’ cosmic rule is threatened by the supreme beings of the Marvel Universe an all-star lineup including Galactus, Kronos, Epoch, the Living Tribunal, and a bunch of others like the personifications of concepts like Chaos and Order. And that’s where things start to go wrong for him. Ultimately, all that reality tinkering attracts the attention of the most powerful cosmic entities of the Marvel Universe, who understandably view Thanos as a threat. He displays his helpless brother Eros for Death’s amusement, he transforms her cosmic fortress into a shrine to her worship and he fights the Avengers - turning Wolverine’s bones to rubber, suffocating Cyclops in an airtight cube, transporting Drax back in time into the age of dinosaurs, turning Thor to glass and shattering him - to prove his bravery. He traps his granddaughter Nebula in a living hell of pain to the point of death - without allowing her to die. He kills half the universe, as she ordered. In fact, most of the terrible things Thanos does with the Infinity Gauntlet are all about trying to impress a silent and uninterested Mistress Death. That’s why he collected the Infinity Stones in the first place - because Death had ordered him to find a way to murder half of the universe. In the comics, as you may have heard, Thanos is completely obsessed with winning the heart of Mistress Death, the anthropomorphic embodiment of the concept of death. Well, the other big difference between Infinity War and Infinity Gauntlet is that Thanos’ motivations are entirely different. The literal disappearance of their loved ones is the first sign most of the Avengers get that anything is wrong at all. (That other guy is Mephisto, but don’t worry about him.) Image: Jim Starlin, George Pérez/Marvel ComicsĪnd in the climax of the first issue, Thanos does the unthinkable: He snaps his fingers and murders half the universe. This is only the second and third page of Infinity Gauntlet #1. But it kept Thanos’ most significant act as a figure of omnipotence: the moment he erased half of the sentient population of the universe from existence.Īnd unlike Infinity War, Infinity Gauntlet kept going.

To be fair, Marvel made some significant changes to the story of Infinity Gauntlet to bring it to the big screen. It is the story that made the Infinity Stones (or Gems, as they’re known in the comics) indelibly linked with Thanos and the Gauntlet, when the Mad Titan assembled all six and gained the ability to bend all of reality to his every whim. Infinity Gauntlet was a six-issue miniseries - with a few tie-ins here and there - written in 1991 by Jim Starlin and illustrated by George Pérez and Ron Lim. I nfinity War pulls a few characters and trappings from the 2013 crossover comic Infinity, but it owes much more to Infinity Gauntlet, the original story of Thanos, the Infinity Gems and the big gold glove.

Thanos in Jim Starlin and George Pérez’s Infinity Gauntlet #3.